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I carry a camera every day and sometimes with two or three lenses walking around Boston. As a photojournalism student, I will feel terrible if I miss a moment because I don't bring a camera with me. Due to my interest in photography and producing, I joined BU's Daily Free Press as an independent photographer and BUTV10 as a producer of The Hungry Terriers in my junior year. Due to these experiences, I am now familiar with setting up lighting, recording sound, interviewing for TV, and editing. 


Aside from majoring in Journalism at Boston University, I minor in Advertising because I love to flex my creative side. I learned how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, and I use these skills to help people around me, such as my roommate’s graduation invitation card.  I love to see their smiles when they see my work for them and at the same time, I can improve my designing skills.



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